Dental Crowns in Madison, AL

Dental Crowns

Embark on a journey towards a stronger and healthier smile with dental crowns. These restorative devices are used to reinforce and protect damaged teeth, restoring their function and appearance. Let’s explore the world of dental crowns together.

Patient at Divine Expressions Family Dentistry after dental crown treatment holding up a sign that says crowned in a day.

Dental Crowns at Divine Expressions in Madison, AL

Dental Crowns at Divine Expressions

Crowns, often referred to as “caps,” are prosthetic devices that entirely cover a damaged tooth or dental implant. They are typically used to restore a tooth’s shape, size, strength, and improve its appearance. Crowns can be made from several materials, including porcelain, ceramic, metal, or a combination of these.

The process of getting a crown usually requires two visits to the dentist. During the first visit, your dentist will examine and prepare the tooth that needs the crown. This may involve filing down or building up the tooth to fit the crown properly. An impression of the tooth is then taken and sent to a dental lab where your crown will be custom-made. A temporary crown is usually put in place to protect your tooth in the meantime.

A crown offers several benefits. They can protect a weak tooth from breaking, restore a severely worn down or broken tooth, cover discolored or misshapen teeth, and can even be used to make a cosmetic modification. Crowns also have a long life expectancy if maintained correctly.

After getting a dental crown, it’s essential to maintain good oral hygiene. This includes regular brushing, flossing, and regular check-ups and cleanings at your dentist’s office. With proper care, a good quality crown could last up to 15 years.

Dr. Barnett of Divine Expressions Family Dentistry smiling with logo on shirt.

Family Dentistry in Madison, AL

Get Started With Divine Expressions Today!

If you think this could be the solution to your dental problems, don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment with us at Divine Expressions Family Dentistry. Our team of professionals is ready to guide you through the process and help you restore your smile.

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