Dental X-Rays in Madison, AL

Digital X-Rays

Digital X-Rays have revolutionized dental diagnostics, offering a safer and more efficient way to examine teeth and the oral structure. This modern approach to dental imaging is now an integral part of comprehensive dental care.

Patient and female dental assistant smiling and hugging after dental treatment at Divine Expressions Family Dentistry.

Digital X-Rays at Divine Expressions in Madison, AL

Digital X-Rays at Divine Expressions

X-rays are quickly becoming adopted by a large percentage of the dental industry. An x-ray allows the dentist to take an image of the tooth or teeth and put it into an imaging program. Within this imaging program, there are a number of tools that will allow the dentist to take a very close look at the teeth and surrounding structures with amazing accuracy.

As a benefit to the patient, the x-ray at Divine Expressions Family Dentistry also provides nearly 80% less radiation than a standard x-ray. This is due to the fact that the digital version of the x-ray is much more sensitive to this radiation and has been specifically designed with the patient in mind.

A Digital X-Ray offers numerous benefits over conventional dental X-Rays. They emit significantly less radiation, provide instant results, and produce higher quality images for better diagnosis and treatment planning. Furthermore, a digital X-Ray is environmentally friendly as they do not require chemicals for developing the images.

Female dental assistant and two female kids all smiling and holding up funny stick masks and crowns.

Family Dentistry in Madison, AL

Get Started With Divine Expressions Today!

Are you due for a dental check-up and X-Ray? Schedule your appointment with Divine Expressions Family Dentistry today. We look forward to providing you with comprehensive, state-of-the-art dental care.

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