Tooth Extractions in Madison, AL

Tooth Extractions

Tooth extractions, especially wisdom teeth, are a common procedure. Wisdom teeth often cause complications as they try to break through the gums. An impacted wisdom tooth, one that comes in at an angle instead of straight, can lead to pain, uneven emergence, or partial emergence.

Tooth Extractions at Divine Expressions in Madison, AL

Extractions at Divine Expressions

When a wisdom tooth partially emerges, a flap of skin called an operculum may form over the tooth, making it hard to clean and prone to infection, known as pericoronitis. Impacted teeth and wisdom teeth posing potential problems, like infections, need to be removed. The extraction process can range from a single tooth to all four wisdom teeth simultaneously.

The extraction usually involves a local or general anesthetic, depending on the patient’s or doctor’s preference. The gum tissue around the wisdom tooth is cut open to reveal the tooth, which is then loosened and lifted out. In some cases where the tooth is tightly impacted, it may need to be broken into pieces before removal.

After surgery, rest is crucial. Due to anesthesia effects, patients should arrange for a ride home. The extraction site may bleed for a while post-surgery, and gauze will be applied to manage it. Pain medication and a cleaning solution might also be prescribed to manage discomfort and maintain cleanliness at the extraction site.

Patients are advised to consume soft foods like gelatin, pudding, yogurt, mashed potatoes, ice cream, and thin soups for a few days post-surgery. Avoid using straws or smoking as these can disturb the sutures and clotting process. If any complications like prolonged pain, bleeding, or irritation occur, contact your dentist immediately.

Dr. Barnett of Divine Expressions Family Dentistry smiling with logo on shirt.

Family Dentistry in Madison, AL

Get Started With Divine Expressions Today!

Are you experiencing discomfort from your wisdom teeth? If so, it’s time to consider scheduling an appointment for a tooth extraction. Our team of professionals is ready to guide you through the process, ensuring that you achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.

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