Healthy Start in Madison, AL

Healthy Start

The Healthy Start Program is a comprehensive initiative designed to promote optimal oral health from an early age, providing numerous benefits to children. This program is not only about straightening teeth; it also addresses sleep-disordered breathing patterns and improves the appearance of the smile as adult teeth begin to erupt.

Female dental assistant and two female kids all smiling and holding up funny stick masks and crowns.

Healthy Start at Divine Expressions in Madison, AL

Healthy Start at Divine Expressions

The program can address these symptoms and improve nighttime breathing while also correcting common tooth placement issues, such as overbites and crooked teeth. This is a permanent solution that helps to open your child’s airway, decrease tooth grinding, and gently guide newly erupting teeth into the correct positions.

When you choose this program, we will examine your child’s bite, mouth, and teeth to determine whether the Healthy Start Program could be a good solution. If your child requires treatment, we will first use a nighttime appliance to help correct poor oral habits during sleep. Next, we will create a new appliance that is specifically sized for your child’s mouth to widen your child’s oral arches and create more room for new teeth. Finally, the last appliance is sized specifically for the newly erupting adult teeth. This appliance ensures that the teeth come in straight without any need for traditional braces.

Undoubtedly, excellent dental care should start early so that your child can enjoy a lifetime of excellent oral health. One of the best ways to achieve beautiful and healthy teeth is to straighten them, allowing for easier cleaning and providing a myriad of physical and aesthetic benefits. While teeth straightening treatments were once mainly reserved for teenagers and adults, younger children can now reap the benefits of preventative care while their faces and teeth are still developing to reduce future oral issues.

Sleep-disordered breathing refers to a wide range of breathing issues that occur when children are sleeping. It could include snoring or even more obstructive breathing patterns. Symptoms can include thumb sucking, restless sleeping patterns, bad dreams, excessive nighttime sweatiness, chronic allergies, ADD or ADHD, bedwetting, and daytime sleepiness.

Two female assistants of Divine Expressions Family Dentistry smiling and giving a piggy back.

Family Dentistry in Madison, AL

Get Started With Divine Expressions Today!

If you are concerned about your child’s oral health or have noticed some of the symptoms of sleep-disordered breathing, we encourage you to contact our office today. We would be happy to schedule a dental consultation for your child at our conveniently located Madison, Alabama, office so that together we can determine whether the Healthy Start System is the right choice.

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