Dental Implants in Madison, AL

Dental Implants

Your smile is the first impression you make on the world. At Divine Expressions Family Dentistry, we understand the importance of a healthy, beautiful smile. That’s why our team of experienced professionals are dedicated to providing you with the best dental implants care possible.

Dr. Barnett and patient at Divine Expressions Family Dentistry smiling after dental treatment.

Dental Implants at Divine Expressions in Madison, AL

Dental Implants at Divine Expressions

Dental implants are a popular and effective long-term solution for people who suffer from missing teeth, failing teeth or chronic dental problems. They fit, feel and function like healthy, natural teeth. Our team will guide you through every step of the process, from the initial consultation to post-procedure care.

Implants are a multi-step process that takes several months. It starts with a comprehensive oral examination, followed by the placement of the implant, resembling a screw or cylinder, into your jaw. The implant and bone then bond over two to six months, forming an anchor for your artificial tooth while a temporary replacement can be worn. Once bonded, the implant is uncovered and fitted with a healing collar, after which an impression is taken. Posts or attachments are connected to the implants, and the replacement teeth are made over these. The full procedure typically spans six to eight months with minimal disruption to daily life.

Beyond the aesthetic appeal, implants also offer benefits for your oral health. They prevent bone loss, maintain the shape of your face, and improve speech and comfort. We believe in not only restoring smiles, but enhancing your overall dental health.

Taking care of implants is just like taking care of your natural teeth. Brushing, flossing, rinsing with an antibacterial mouthwash, and regular dental check-ups are necessary steps to ensure your implants stay healthy and last a long time. It’s also important to avoid damaging habits like chewing hard items, grinding or clenching your teeth, and using tobacco products.

Dr. Barnett of Divine Expressions Family Dentistry smiling with logo on shirt.

Family Dentistry in Madison, AL

Get Started With Divine Expressions Today!

Navigating the world of implants can be overwhelming, but we aim to simplify this journey for you. Don’t let missing teeth hold you back. Schedule an appointment with Divine Expressions Family Dentistry today and take the first step towards reclaiming your smile.

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